Saturday, 13 October 2012

Noah's Ark and The Logic of Evolution

Noah's Ark and The Logic of Evolution

According to Creationists, the story of Noah’s Ark is to be taken literally; a devastating flood that lasted one year and ten days. God commanded the six hundred year Noah (an unprecedented age, wouldn’t you think?) to construct an Ark to hold all land animals that breathed air. The flood covered the highest mountains of the Earth by twenty two feet, according to Genesis. I believe I am correct in thinking that God created the Earth and all living creatures in six days and on the seventh he (sic) rested. I am safe to assume nothing has been created since as this would contradict scripture; what God created then is here now and nothing new introduced since.

Before I begin looking at one the main problem I have with the story of Noah’s Ark, I have one minor one that begs an answer. If the entire surface of the Earth was covered with water, where did it drain to when the flood waters retreated? I imagine the answer I will get from Creationists is that God evaporated the water into the atmosphere. We know water molecules are not leached into space in any great quantities (which is fortunate for us) then it’s safe to assume the water from the flood is still in our atmosphere. Would this not lead to increased devastating floods on a similar scale to Noah’s on a regular basis? That extra flood water that covered the globe must still be here in our closed atmospheric environment.

That is an aside, as I have one major problem I have yet to see a logical answer for. The question I have is where was all of the life that lives in fresh water housed on the Ark? Did Noah fashion aquaria out of wood? Or did he have access to glass (or even transparent aluminium). Even if fresh water life could be stored on the Ark it begs the question how it could be alive today.

Let me explain. The Oceans that existed before Noah’s flood consisted of sea water, one of which’s properties is its salinity. Minerals dissolved in the water have made the seas undoubtedly salty. A child knows this so it’s hardly Earth shattering news. The overwhelming majority of fresh water fish and mammals cannot survive in salt water environments and viceversa. Anyone who has ever bought a puffer fish from their local aquarium for your home fish tank knows if the salinity isn’t right then it’ll be floating belly up in a day or two. Trust me.

If enough freshwater fell as rain to create the flood so as to lessen the existing seas’ salinity to that of freshwater then all of the saltwater fish and mammals must have been on the Ark. I say they must have been because we have them still here today. Remember, God did not create anything new after the first six days; if they are here now, they were on the Ark. This raises another question. A Blue whale, as far as have been discovered so far, can be up to one hundred and eighty tons in weight and as long as 98ft. How could two Blue Whales be housed on the Ark in salt water? If the length of the Ark was 450ft in length then Blue Whales alone require a large volume of space to exist in. They also have to be in tanks of water larger than themselves to survive for one year and ten days. What did they eat? The tanks would have to hold an astronomical number of plankton and krill. Blue Whales are not the only whales and large fish that are here today that must have been on the Ark. Let’s list some of the Cetacean whales shall we; remember, there needs to be two of each of these on the Ark. God didn’t create anymore so we need two to procreate, don’t we?

Bowhead Whale at 60 tonnes apiece.
Right Whales (three species of each) at 40 to 80 tonnes apiece.
Common Minke Whales at 5 to 11 tonnes.
Sei Minke Whales at 20 to 25 tonnes.
Fin Whales at 45 to 75 tonnes.
Bryde’s Whale at 14 to 30 tonnes.
Humpback Whales at 25 to 30 tonnes.

All told, there are 88 species of Cetacean ranging from Dolphins, Porpoises and Killer Whales. This does not include large fish such as sharks, tuna, marlins, swordfish, etc. I’m not listing them all. That is a staggering amount of space needed for them to live and exhibit natural behaviour. Each would need food for one year and ten days which would amount to inestimable number of fish. The excrement would need to be cleared from the tanks on a twenty four seven basis. Did Noah spend all his life mucking out? Is the idea of the Ark beginning to look rather ridiculous at this point?

The above scenario accounts for the possibility the salinity of the sea was changed into freshwater due to the rain that caused the Flood. Let’s go the other way and assume the status quo of the seas salinity was upheld. Now we have the problem of keeping all of the animals, mammals and fish that only exist in freshwater alive on the Ark. We know they must have been on the Ark as they are still here today. Let me reiterate the point that God supposedly did not create anything after the sixth day. If he did Scripture is compromised.

There are places in the World where salt water and freshwater come into contact and that certain species of animals exist in that environment. If the fresh and sea water mix then they become neither, that water would be less salty or more salty depending on the water’s original state. Animals that inhabit brackish waters are in the minority compared to all of the other water dwelling life. A Creationist may argue God only instructed Noah to take species that existed in this brackish water, which brings me to the crux of my argument and why Evolution is the Truth and Creationism is at best pseudo science.

Let’s assume that only aquatic life was taken on board the Ark that could live in both salt water and freshwater. That means animals that only existed in seawater and animals that only existed in freshwater at the time of the flood were not placed inside the Ark. So why do we have them today? Again, and I can’t stress the point enough, according to Genesis God created life in the first six days and none since. Either the story of Noah’s Ark is a fairy tale for children to keep them amused or the aquatic life saved aboard the Ark that lives in both water environments have adapted in to the whales and mammals that now inhabit the Earth. For ‘adapted’ replace with ‘Evolved’ and you have unarguable proof that Evolution is the truth. If it’s not then someone answer my above points.

Evolution is Truth. Creationism is myth.

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